Tuesday, January 20, 2009

He's No Longer My Baby.......

Today....my baby is no longer my baby. He is now 18.
Where did it go? And why did it go so fast? Why didn't I do so many things that I now wish I had done? Why didn't people tell me this day and these feelings would come. Would I have listened? Would I have thought I had plenty of time? I'm sure I would have.

They tell you that when they start school....they do not belong to you any more. They belong to the world. How true that statement is. I just hope that all the good things that I have done as a mother will make him a good man. And I hope all the bad things I have done, will make him a better person than I was and he will learn from my mistakes.

You hold them in your arms when they are born......and then you blink.

Happy Birthday Jordan.......

You will always be my baby.
Love, Mom.

Jordan's Surprise Birthday Party Pics

Friday, January 2, 2009