My baby, son, Jordan, graduated from high school this past Saturday night.
Was it sad? Yes, in more than just one way. It was the end of Jordan's high school years. This was the last graduating class from his high school, as next shool year, our two high schools will merge into one. It was also sad because two of their classmates weren't there. They had been killed in seperate car accidents.
Was it exciting? Yes!! Since I was taking photos for the newspaper, I got to hang out with all the seniors as they walked around, gathered in the library and then watched them line up for the ceremony.
Was it tiring? YES!! I'm beat.
Jordan, and the rest for that matter, have no idea how easy things have been for the past 12 years. The "Real Life" is knocking on their door and they better be ready. Jordan has already been accepted into a community college, he is getting ready to work a summer job as a photographer/videographer plus, he is on "hurricane watch", ready to run out the door to travel with First Response Group out of Louisville, KY.
Was I ready for Jordan to graduate? Yes. Did I cry at the ceremony? No. And I don't know why. I think I was just glad he was sitting there in his blue gown, wearing his nice black dress pants and dress shirt, that he hated. I was just thankful that he was there, enjoying this milestone in his life.
Is Jordan ready for the real world? Probably not. Is the real world ready for Jordan? Definately not. Were any of us ready at this age? No.
We live, we grow, we learn, we fall, we get up and hopefully, we keep trying.