Sunday, August 3, 2008

Friend Of The Week

This week's "Friend Of The Week" honor

goes to

My "Bestest Little Friend"

d Holly Flener d

Holly is 11 years old and goes to my church with her dad and older sister. One Sunday morning back in February, Holly came home with me after church and she has been visiting with me nearly every Sunday since. We always hit up McDonald's before coming home. Holly always gets everything plain-plain hamburger, nuggets with no sauce (yuck!). She says "I'm just a plain little girl". Sometimes we just hang out and watch tv, play on the computer or swim in the pool. Sometimes she and Jordan play video games or pick on each other just like they are brother/sister. Holly loves to play with the dogs and puppies and is usually found packing one around the whole afternoon.

Holly brightens up my day with her sweet little smile. I'm so thankful that Holly is a part of my life. Love ya, Little Girl!!

"Friends are angels following you through life."

1 comment:

HollyMarie. said...

Oh my goodness, I had no clue this was here! (: