Saturday, July 5, 2008

"The Shack"

After two friends recommended that I read this book, I just had to go get it. It has forever changed the way I think about God, my relationship with Him and about forgiveness.Many times throughout the book, I had those "Ah-ha" moments, you know, those moments when the light bulb comes on? It showed me a different way of seeing things-not just through my own eyes, but through God's eyes.
There were some parts of the book that I had to read and re-read several times. I finally gave up and pulled out a notebook and started taking notes. There were times when I just had to close the book because I couldn't comprehend it. It is very deep at times, but as I continued on, I would begin to understand those parts that were so deep.
Now that I'm done with this book, I'm going to share it with my friend Regina. I would recommend that others get a copy of this book and read it. Trust me, it won't take you long to finish it. It's incredible!
*NOTE* We will be having a book discussion on "The Shack". Sharon Martin has graciously agreed to lead the group. We will meet on Thursday evenings from 6pm - ?, beginning on July 24 at the GRC Fellowship Hall. Plan to join us for 5-6 weeks of deep conversations. So, get the book, experience it and sign up for the group discussion!!!

1 comment:

M. French said...

wow girl, I remember you mentioning this book to me the other night. I'll have to have a pass at it when Regina gets done with it. Tell Jordan I said I hope he has a BLAST in Washington next week!