Monday, July 21, 2008

Spotlight on My "Friend Of The Week"

My next "Friend of the Week" Honor goes to friend.....

!! Donna Wylie !!

I've known Donna Wylie for about 6 years. We got to be really good friends after someone told me a lie saying that Donna didn't want us to be friends. After that, our friendship became stronger than ever.

(So....P~, that's what you get for lying! You know who you are!)

Donna helped me through one of the roughest times of my life, always telling me that I'd be fine and that I'd come out on top. Man, was she ever right!! I remember the day when my "crappy life" was FINALLY over. I was looking at a calender, an empty calender at that and I asked Donna, "What am I going to do now?" She said, "God will fill that empty calendar if you will let Him." And man, did He. Donna always has words of encouragement for me, when I'm down, she helps lift me up, when I'm excited about something, she's always there to rejoice with me. Donna and her husband Terry have been wonderful friends to me and have been like parents to Jordan.

I love you Donna!!

Friendship Comments

"Remember, no man is a failure who has friends."
~from "It's A Wonderful Life"

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